Carlos Fort Nova

Carlos is one of our most experienced Physiotherapists holding a Bachelor's Degree in Sports Science, a Bachelor's in Physiotherapy, and a Masters in Manual Therapy & Pain Management, all obtained from the prestigious Universidad Europea Madrid.

His Masters in Manual Therapy and Pain Management has given him a unique treatment perspective, which is primarily based on the biopsychosocial theory and the latest manual therapeutic methods, motor control, therapeutic exercises, and cognitive-behavioral methods to assist his clients. Consequently, he is equipped to work with patients who have complex pain resulting from chronic conditions, complex fractures, and complex tendinopathies.

Carlos enjoys working with a range of conditions but has a strong interest in complex shoulder injuries and ACL rehabilitation. With strong knowledge of Football (Soccer), Footy and Basketball, he is well equipped to help clients returning to sport from injuries.

Carlos has a distinguished background in Basketball and Football, from both a physiotherapy and strength and conditioning perspective. He previously served as the Head of Physiotherapy and Strength and Conditioning for Baloncesto Torrlodones, a high-performance basketball academy in Madrid, where he was responsible for injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance. Additionally, he was appointed to the position of Physio and S&C for Arar FC (Soccer) in Saudi Arabia, where he was accountable for the team's performance, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.

Outside of work, Carlos is a Crossfit enthusiast, and he spends his leisure time exploring Melbourne. He is also an essential senior member of our team.